
The Ministry's Move is restricted to music and movie Download

15 Aralık 2013 Pazar
Hello friends of the Ministry of culture and tourism for a new application, so it is no longer restricted to download music or movies over the Internet button, of course, it's not copyrighted movies and music as well as many more qualify as content. You will be downloading movies and music from the Internet now for the first time, you will be notified via e-mail by sending a letter, you will be prompted if you continue the download address and repeat for the third time to the full penalty fines. I mean, that's what we are doing, the result is that the Internet can easily be included in the series, though what music nor film indirebileceğiz we find a solution to the Turkish nation as it fell, but come on get the best. After that, the habit of downloading movies and music that we have become addicted to, or might have to pay a fine to be careful about this benefit, at least not until a solution can definitely hit some Ghulam download I'm changing my ip address on different pretexts, such as continuous just Bull shitting yourself because the internet is undergoing a post, where until you you or say where they are when you search for it. For now, no such application, but will soon have to write this post to be careful not to ...

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